Sigillo di ateneo

Mode d'emploi

What is it otpapi

otpapi is a RESTful web service ro read and modify the TOTP secret which is what Shibboleth IdP needs for the multifactor authentication.

User authentication

In order to access you need a client certificate.

Connect to the self-service sectigo portal and create a client certificate with profile: 'GÉANT Personal Automated Authentication'; enrollement method is 'key generation' (private key creation in the browser); if in doubt, pick a RSA 4096 private key.

Let's try a query command! In this example automated_cert.p12 is the client certificate; secret is the certificate's passphrase; johndoe is the user whose secret seed we're querying:

$ curl --version #tested with a recent version
curl 8.7.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin24.0) libcurl/8.7.1 (SecureTransport) LibreSSL/3.3.6 zlib/1.2.12 nghttp2/1.62.0
$ cat .config.txt
variable passphrase=secret
cert-type = P12
header = "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"
expand-cert = automated_cert.p12:{{passphrase}}
$ curl --config .config.txt ""
{} # nothing found

Available actions

  • Show the secret : look the previous example;
  • Add a secret or update one if present
    $ #note: seed is actually the 'secret' part of the otpauth uri. It is a Base32 String ([A-Z2-7])
    $ cat payload.json
    $ curl -X POST --config .config.txt -d @payload.json ""
  • Delete the seed
    $ curl -X DELETE --config .config.txt ""

Return codes

The API should return a meaningful HTTP return code which can help you understand what's going on.